Ya Allah…I hasitate
Ya Allah…would u like to tell me,
What should I do about my feeling ??
When I got something that I couldn’t belive it
When I found something that it could hurt my heart so much
And when I trayed to keep inside but I felt in it
Iam broken now…
My feeling is broken coz of ur thinking
My heart is broken coz of ur speaking
And everything is broken coz of ur hurting
I thought I could change ur mind
I thought I could fill ur life
I thought I could survive this life of u..
When everyone laught at me
When everyone underestimate to me
But I still belive ur lies…
Leave me if it’s right 4 u
Lie to me if it’s true 4 u
Hurt me if it’s nice 4 u
And don’t say anything after these all
Coz I love to be loved by u sincerely..,,