Monday, 19 October 2009

Figurative Language 2 (SYMBOL AND ALLEGORY)


Figurative Language
It is likely that you and your roommate understand each other well enough, and yet if you examine this conversation literally, that is to say unimaginatively, you will find that you have been speaking nonsense. Actually you have been speaking figuratively. You have been saying less that what you mean, or the opposite of what you mean or something else that what you mean.

Ø a symbol may be roughly defined as something tat means more than what it is.
Ø Symbol vary in the degree of identification and definition that their authors give them. Frost in this poem forces us to interpret the choice of road symbolically by the degree of importance he gives it in the last stanza.
Ø The symbolisthe richest and at the same time the most difficult of the poetical figures.
Ø Image, metaphor, and symbol shade into each other and are sometimes difficult to distinguish. In general, however, an image means only what it is; a metaphor means something other than what it is; and a symbol means what it is and something more too.
Ø Meaning ray out from a symbol, like the corona around the sun or like connotations around a richly suggestive word. But the very fact that symbol may be so rich in its meaning makes it necessary that we use the greatest tect in its interpretation.
Ø The poem allows it but doesn’t itself suggest it. Morever, we should never assume that because the meaning of a symbol is more or less open, we may it mean anything we choose.
Ø Accurate interpretation of the symbol requires delicacy, tact, and good sense. The reader must keep his balance while walking a tightrope between too little and too much-between underinterpretation and overinterpretation.

To know and understand the symbol of a poem, lets discuss this poem:


The read rose wispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
Oh, the read rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a cream-white rosebud,
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

John Boyle O’Reilly (1844-1890)

Ø In his first two line O’Reilly indicates so clearly that his “red rose” is a symbol of physical desire and his “white rose” a symbol of spiritual attachment.
Ø When we get to metaphor in the third line we unconsciously substitute passion for the red rose in our minds, knowing without thinking that what O’Reilly is realy likening is falcons and passion, not falcons and roses.
Ø Similarly in the second stanza, the symbolism of the white rosebud with pink tips is specifically indicated in the last two lines, although, as a matter of fact, it would have been clear from the first stanza.

Ø Allegory is a narrative or description that has a second meaning beneath the surface one. Although the surface story or description may have its own interest, the author’s major interest is in the ulterior meaning.
Ø Allegory has been defined sometimes as an extended metaphor and sometimes as a series of related symbols, but it is usually distinguishable from both of these.
Ø It is unlike extended metaphor in that it involves a system of related comparisons rather than one comparison drawn out.
Ø It differs from symbolism in that it puts less emphasis on the images for their own sake and more on their ulterior meanings. Also these meanings are more fixed.
Ø In allegory usually there is a one-to-one correspondence between the details and a single set of ulterior meanings.
Ø In complex allegories the details may have more than one meaning, but these meanings tend to be definite. Meanings do not ray out from allegory as they do from a symbol.
Ø Allegory is less popular in modern literature than it was in medieval and Renaissance writing, and it is much less often found in short poems than in long.
Ø It has sometimes, especially with political allegory, been used to conceal meaning rather than reveal it (or, rather, to conceal it from some people while revealing it to oyhers).
Ø Though less rich than the symbol, allegory is an effective way of making the abstract concrete and has occasionally been used effectively even in fairly short poems.

To know and understand about the allegory letssee this poem.
Relate the symbols employed to the meaning of the poem.


O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,

Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy,
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.

William Blake (1757-1827)

Ø The poem might be interpreted as being only about “a rose” that has been attacked on stormy night by a cankerworm.
Ø The connotations of certain words and details are so powerful as to suggest that something more is meant: “sick” (applied to aflower), “invisible,” “night,” “howling storm,” “joy,” and “dark secret love.”
Ø The some specific interpretations of the poem are that it refers to the destruction of love by selfishness, possessiveness, or jealousy; of innocence by experience; of humanity by Satan; of imagination by reason.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Xl fEeling

Detik, menit, dan jam itu berdetak
Seperti detakan jantungku yang merindukanmu
Hari, minggu, dan bulan boleh berganti
Namun jiwaku tak kan pernah berganti merindukan dekapanmu

Titik titik hujan yang jatuh
Melukiskan betapa sedihnya jiwaku tanpamu
Embun embun yang menetes
Menyisyaratkan kejujuranmu kepadaku

Matahari, bulan dan bintang boleh menyinariku
Memberi kekuatan dan kebesaran hati tuk slalu menantimu
Namun, semuanya tak tergantikan…,
Candamu, tawamu,dan amarahmu..
Adalah kekuatan dan alasan terbesarku tuk slalu mencintaimu..
Menyayangimu..,dan memilikimu apa adanya..
Diatas izinNya…

Sunday, 21 June 2009



Tak pernah terlintas dalam benak ini
Hingga kurasakan sendiri...
Indahnya cinta yang melukis bahagia
Diantara segudang rasa yang peka..
Ada karena Ia

Ingin hati berteriak sekuat mungkin
Tuk benar-benar menyadari apa
yang terjadi
Bukan untuk aku tapi kita
Bukan karenamu tapi Ia
Semoga saja rasa ini takkan pernah berakhir
Hingga waktu yang kan menentukan segalanya

Ku tahu ini karuniaMu...
Yang begitu besar bagiku
Atas nama nafas yang Kau hembuskan padaku
Atas nama orang-orang tersayang
Dan atas namaMu, rasa ini ada untuknyaTerima kasih untukMu..
Karena Engkau hadirkan dia..
Untuk Bahagiaku................

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Mothers are so Special

Mothers Are Special

1. Tidak d’ wanita yang sebanding dengannya, ia lembut bak seekor merpati dan berani bagai
seekor singa betina…,kenanganku tentang ibu dan didikannya adalah satu2x modalku untuk
memulai hidup, dengan modal itulah kutapaki jalanku.

2. Ibu bagaikan sebutan bagi tuhan yang terucap di bibir dan hati anak2.

3. Menggambarkan ibuku seperti halx menulis tentang topan badai berkekuatan penuh.
4. Kecantikan di wajah mama tampak makin elok saat tersenyum, dan senyum itu seolah
menghidupkan sgala yang d’ dalam dirinya.
5. Kehidupan seorang ibu yang bekerja tanpa dukungan dan kehadiran ayah anak2x, 3 kali lipat
lebih berat dibandingkan kehidupan pria manapun yang pernah kutemui.
6. Hati seorang ibu adalah t4 belajar anak2x.

7. M : million things she gave
O : she’s going old
T : tears she shad to sweme
H : heart of purest gold
E : eyes with love like shining
R : right
8. Kau belumlah terkenal jika ibuku belum pernah mendengar namamu
9. Ibu itu istimewa:
Ia selalu d’ untuk kita
Ia sangat melindungi kita
Ia membiarkan kita memakai perhiasan kesayangannya
Ia mengajarkan kita tentang dunia
Ia mengatakan yang sebenarnya
Ia memeluk kita dan membersihkan meja jika kita lupa melakukannya
10. mama adalah guru yang terbaik, guru yang penuh perhatian, cinta dan keberanian,
jika cinta itu seindah bunga, maka mama adalah bunga cinta yang terindah

11. begitu ibu, begitu anak

12. jika tubuh dan jiwaku dikutuk, aku tahu doa siapa yang mampu membuatku
kembali utuh, doa ibuku..,ya, doa ibuku.

13. Ibu bagaikan sesendok gula yang membuatku mampu menelan obat yang pahit
14. Katax pria sangat hebat;
Mereka meguasai daratan dan lautan
Menggenggam tongkat kerajaan
Namun, dari yang lebih lemah ada kekuatan yang lebih besar, yang mampu
menyingkirkan kekuatan seorang pria dari tahtanya,
Karena tangan yang mengayun buaian sebenarnya adalah tangan yang menguasai
15. Aku lahir karena ibuku membutuhkan orang ketiga di meja makan

16. Tidak ada anak yang lebih menyenangkan kecuali ibunya dengan senang hati mau

17. Seorang ibu mengerti p’yang tidak diucapkan anaknya
Ibuku harus terlibat dalam banyak masalah karena aku, tapi kurasa ia
18. Bukan kuas pelukis
Tidak juga pena penyair
Yang dengan kemasyurannya cukup setara untuk menuliskan nama ibu

19. Hati ibu adalah sebuah ngaraian yang amat dalam, di dasarnyalah kita akan selalu
menemukan pengampunan.

copied from mothers are so special

Monday, 4 May 2009

song lyrics

Kau hadir saat itu
Membuka kembali hatiku
Sungguh aku tak menyangka
Cinta ini kan ada lagi

Namun ini memang berbeda
Kau bukan seperti yang biasa
Kehangatanmu membuatku jatuh
Jatuh dalam cinta yang hanya untukmu..

Ooo..sungguh anugerah
Anugerah yang ada
Membuka mata dan hatiku
Tuk terbang bersamamu..
Menggapai impian yang hanya untuk tempat
Tempat kita melabuhkan hati
Satu dalam asa

Apakah ini kan ada
Untuk waktuku yang tersisa
Tuk tetap bertahan
Dalam rasa yang peka

Ooo..sungguh indah
Kasih yang kau beri
Membuka mata dan batinku…
Tuk menyadari betapa pentingnya cinta itu.

Crying of Soul

Ya Allah…I hasitate
Ya Allah…would u like to tell me,
What should I do about my feeling ??
When I got something that I couldn’t belive it
When I found something that it could hurt my heart so much
And when I trayed to keep inside but I felt in it

Iam broken now…
My feeling is broken coz of ur thinking
My heart is broken coz of ur speaking
And everything is broken coz of ur hurting

I thought I could change ur mind
I thought I could fill ur life
I thought I could survive this life of u..
When everyone laught at me
When everyone underestimate to me
But I still belive ur lies…

Leave me if it’s right for you
Lie to me if it’s true for you
Hurt me if it’s nice for you
And don’t say anything after these all
Coz I love to be loved by u sincerely..